Vision of the Company

We provide high performance real time solutions to sewer and drain water networks. With our service you can maintain and monitor your pipe network and collect accurate data from water flow to water levels and much more!

Customer Testimonials

"No more flooding sewer water on our streets! Higly recommended service"
John Kauffman, Mayor of the IOTCity

"Now I can monitor when our neighbourhood uses toilets and shower in realtime. It makes my life so much more interesting!"
Elizabeth Tallbot, 67, Citizen of the IOTCity

Workers of the Company

Face Name Job title Linkedin GitHub
Kantalainen Emmi Graphic & Game designer Link -
Kivistö Vesa Junior Developer, Junior IOT developer Link -
Kuukkanen Janne Junior Developer, IOT developer - Link
Laube-Pohto Ruben Junior Developer, Junior Mobile/Web Developer Link Link
Mäkinen Lauri Junior Developer, Junior Business Analyst Link Link
Pöyhönen Jaakko Junior Developer Link -
Räisänen Sanna Junior Developer, Junior/Amateur Statistician Link -
Saukonoja Timo Junior Developer, Junior IOT developer Link -

For more information about our company please check out our wiki site